Juergen Becker
D55268 Nieder-Olm
Tel. +49-6136-2958

Insert SID (DP) and STAR  graphically


  1. Chose menu: FlightPlan/Map or click and the IFRPlan map form is displayed
  2. Click the button and the  flightplan will be drawn
    In order to enlarge the drawing either click the zoom-in button or draw a rectangle using  the right mouse button around the area, which you want to enlarge.
  3. Enlarge the area around EGLL and click it's airport symbol and the symbol's color  changes to red
  4. Click the form with the right  mouse button and the popup
    menu will appear.  Click 'Show SIDs' and the listbox in the
    upper  right corner of the form is filled up with SID names.
  5. Select 'ALL  (40)', all stored  SID's are drawn
    The picture is a little bit confusing, but, as you can see there is a SID named DVR...
    So, use popup  menu to clear all SID's, repeat step 4 and select DVR5F and only this SID will be drawn. If  you click the dot named DVR5F  it is going to be highlighted:
  6. Now click Insert SID and Clear SIDs on the popup menu and SID DVR5F has been inserted  into your flightplan.

  7. Back